What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0 refers to the next generation of the internet that aims to enhance user experiences and provide decentralized and user-centric applications. It is characterized by the use of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized networks, which enable greater security, privacy, and control over personal data. Web 3.0 aims to move away from the centralized model of Web 2.0, where data is controlled by a few dominant entities, and instead empowers individuals by giving them ownership and control over their data and digital assets. It envisions a more open, transparent, and inclusive internet ecosystem that enables peer-to-peer interactions, fosters innovation, and promotes trust and collaboration among users.

What is Virtual Design in web 3.0?

Virtual design in Web 3.0 refers to the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies into web-based applications and experiences. It involves creating virtual environments, objects, and interactions that users can explore and interact with in a web-based context.In Web 3.0, virtual design can be used to enhance user interfaces, create immersive experiences, and enable new forms of collaboration and communication. It allows users to navigate and interact with digital content in a more intuitive and engaging manner, blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. Virtual design in Web 3.0 can be applied to various domains, including gaming, education, training, architecture, and entertainment, among others. It leverages the capabilities of VR and AR technologies to provide more immersive and interactive experiences on the web.

Your Career?

  • Learning web 3.0 is the fastest way to switch your career.
  • There will be 500,000 vacant IT jobs in India by 2020 to 2023.
  • You can start your new career in tech within 1 year.
  • The starting salary for a junior developer can be as high as INR 40,000.

Your Education.

  • We’re keen to innovate education, so our boot camp has been tailored to suit the needs of our students.
  • Our unique accelerated learning methods prepare students for the most intense academic cycle.
  • Learning web 3.0 can vastly improve your existing core competency. If you’re a graphic designer, your work will be bolstered by web 3.0 front end Design.

What will I learn?

Upon successful completion of your projects, you will be awarded the Learn Gyan Coding and IT Institution from the only credit rated Coding Bootcamp in India. You will have the skills to attain your first role as a junior developer or advance in your current career. You’re coding bootcamp ensures that you finish with a packed portfolio and career-ready skills. Finally, graduates receive a digital diploma to display on LinkedIn. A hardcopy of your Code Institute Web 3.0 Development is also available upon request.

Subject Overview
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS 
  • Best Web 3.0 Frameworks
  • Virtual Design in web 3.0

Diploma in Web 3.0 Web site

On top of a professional portfolio and acquired skills; our graduates are awarded a globally recognised Diploma in Web 3.0. which is a level 5 Diploma on the European Qualification Framework (EQF)

Course Breakdown

In order to provide a comprehensive introduction to software development this course takes a look at important coding languages that make up frontend and backend development.

HTML Fundamentals

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a powerful computer language devised to implement website creation. HTML is all about content; it defines the structure of the web pages that we view in our browser every time we go to Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, or any other site.
HTML5 is the latest version of the language, which incorporates added video functionality and other features. It takes design and structural cues from print media, allowing us to create headings, paragraphs, and insert images. Most importantly, HTML allows us to link externally to other web pages.

The topics covered in this module include:

HTML Document ● HTML Content Elements ● Headings, Paragraphs & Comments ● Dives, Spans & Attributes ● Links & Lists ● Images & Forms ● frames ● Semantic Web

CSS Fundamentals

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allows developers to create styles, and provides the visual impact for websites without having to write complex HTML. CSS doesn’t have to be written into a .html file, and can be linked to from anywhere on the web, allowing for the sharing of style sheets, a practice that is commonly used by developers.

CSS allows you to enhance the User Experience (UX) for web pages. You’ll learn how to style and modify the elements that you’ve created in HTML pages, and how to structure your elements in a balanced way. Gain a knowledge of how to work with different types of fonts, and much more!

The topics covered in this module include:

● CSS Syntax and selectors ● Box Sizing & The Box Model ● Inline and Embedded CSS ● Working with Background ● CSS Rules and External CSS ● Layout and Visibility ● Comments and font-family ● Z-index ● Working with Texts & Fonts ● Layout Interactions.

JavaScript Fundamentals

JavaScript is a coding language that allows you to enhance your HTML with animation, interactivity, and dynamic visual effects. Javascript is currently the most popular coding language. It integrates the ability to provide immediate and insightful feedback to users. For example, a JavaScript-powered shopping cart can instantly display a total cost to a website visitor.

In this module you’ll learn the foundations of JavaScript. In addition to exploring the common concepts and structures that underpin most modern programming languages, you will emerge from the course with the skills and the knowledge required to go to the next level of fully interactive web development.

The topics covered in this module include:

● Working with Numbers ● Loops and Iteration ● Comments ● Functions and Keywords ● Strings ● Object-Oriented Programming ● Arrays ● Prototypes ● Decision Structures ● Extends ● Operators ● Handling Exceptions

Virtual Design with web 3.0 Web site

Introduction to Virtual Design with web 3.0
• Overview of virtual design principles and concepts
• Understanding the role of virtual design in various industries
• Design Tools and Software
• Exploring popular virtual design software and tools
• Learning essential skills for creating virtual designs
• Virtual Reality (VR) Design
• Introduction to VR design principles and techniques
• Creating immersive virtual environments and experiences
• Augmented Reality (AR) Design
• Understanding AR design principles and applications
• Designing interactive AR experiences and interfaces
• User Experience (UX) Design for Virtual Environments
• Examining user-centered design approaches for virtual experiences
• Enhancing user interactions and usability in virtual environments
• 3D Modeling and Animation
• Learning 3D modeling techniques for virtual design • Creating animated objects and characters for virtual worlds • Virtual Design Project
• Collaborative project to apply virtual design skills
• Developing a virtual design from concept to completion
• Virtual Design Ethics and Considerations
• Exploring ethical implications and considerations in virtual design
• Addressing accessibility, inclusivity, and privacy concerns
• Future Trends in Virtual Design
• Investigating emerging technologies and trends in the field
• Discussing the potential impact of virtual design in various industries

Course Pricing

  • Our Mentored Online course price is INR 13200 
  • Monthly installment plan available

Class Duration

2 Days per week

  • 1st Month HTML Class
  • 2nd & 3rd month CSS Class
  • 4th, 5th,6th Month JS Class
  • 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th month Web 3.0 with Virtual Design 
  • 12th month Work In project
  • Last 3 Month internship